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Thursday, May 20, 2010


I just realized the other day that my little girl will be ONE year old in just 3 short months! Where did the time go? I feel like it was just yesterday that I had her.

Update on her: She now pulls herself up on everything and thinks she is hot stuff because she can! She jumps to people instead of walks to them (while holding on to someones fingers). She talks more than her Aunt Katie ever THOUGHT of talking (which if you know my sister is a significant amoun!) She loves to sing and knows how to play "patty cake" with her hands. She has discovered her tounge and looks like a fat lizard crawling around the house. She still only has two teeth.... yet I SWEAR more have got to be comming because the drule has increased ten fold again and she has fever sperts. She walks around with her push walker (no seat) all over the house! We have to keep all the doors shut to trap her!

We still need to pray I find a different job with some benefits, but other than that life is good for me. I filed for divorce this week so I am hopefull that it will go quickly and without drama! Say a prayer!

Well I guess that is all for the updates! Love...

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Mobile Baby

So, my friends, my little girl is actually crawling! She has been moving all around the living room and following people everywhere! What is a mother to do? Her little personality has also started to really come out and let me tell you... she is one scrappy little girl. Sweet as sugar on the out side and a ball of fire on the inside! LOL! Girl has got Attitude with a capital A! I love her to death.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

The Crawler!

Okay so my little baby crawled an entire foot this past weekend.... I am not sure how I feel about that! Part of me is like "Yay! My baby is about to be crawling" and then there is another part of me that is like... "OMG! It is too soon for my girl to crawl. I am so not ready for this!". She was so proud of herself when she could scoot up and grab her passy all by herself! Now it is time for baby proofing the whole house...and with a 4 year old running around, that is difficult!

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Update on a little bit of everything!

Gabriella has started to become so much fun! All she does anymore is laugh. She has the cutest giggle that I have ever heard in my life. We are trying to get her to crawl, however she seems to feel that rolling where she wants to go suits her best. LOL! There are times when she is in her jumper that I think she will do one of two things: 1) bounce her brain funky 2) break the thing from bouncing so hard and fast! It is absolutely hilarious!

As for me well... I am doing good. I would be doing better if I could find a job that paid me a bit more and provided benefits. This not having sick leave stinks. I get no vacation time either. Other than that things in my world are doing well. I am feeling better than I have in a long while. I think I have finally become okay with just me. I finally don't feel like I need a man to lean on. I can stand on my own two feet and do things the way I want them done! I am very excited about the future!

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Better late than never!

I have just recently found that this existed! Now I can share everything going on with Gabriella and me with all of our family and friends. I can get a little more detailed in this than I do on the social websites! Very exciting!